阿纳托利·阿基莫夫 扭转场发生器(电疗)

The Akimov generator using own radiator removes the membrane between parallel worlds and opens the portals to the parallel worlds. The portal remains active for several days after turning off the generator.  The portal parameters depend on the frequency spectrum supplied to the radiator. If two Akimov generators with the same spectra are switched on in various places this has to make a teleportation tunnel through which radio waves can pass in both directions.

The Akimov torsion generator generates left or right torsion field, modulated by various signals. It is possible to use this generator in various spheres such as information transfer, room cleaning, the changes of metals properties, charging of water and others.

使用自己的散热器的Akimov发生器可以去除平行世界之间的膜,并打开平行世界的入口。 关闭发生器后,门户网站将保持活动状态数天。 入口参数取决于提供给辐射器的频谱。 如果在各个地方打开两个具有相同频谱的Akimov发生器,则必须建立一个传送隧道,无线电波可以在两个方向上通过。

阿基莫夫(Akimov)扭转发生器会产生由各种信号调制的左右扭转场。 可以在各种领域中使用此生成器,例如信息传递,房间清洁,金属特性的变化,水的充填等。

Maintenance manual (extract).

The generator has two connectors. One of them is used for operating voltage (12V DC) supplied from power supply or battery. The second one is for the signal input from the signal generator or mp3 player with the sound recorded.

The Akimov generator begins to receive the signal started about 1 V range. The sound signal supplied to the circuit of the torsion generator amplifies up to the supply voltage and then transfers to the radiation source. The radiator is made as a conical condenser which is made using a copper conductor, wound in a spiral. This construction allows turning of the magnetic field of the coil perpendicularly to the magnetic field of the magnet which is located in front of the radiator.

There are two switches of the generator.

The first is for switching on and switching on the generator. The second one is for changing of the polarity of the torsion field, so the generator creates right or left torsion field.

Applications: water charging, influence upon plants, mineral products searching, the torsion field connection investigations.

After using the generator it is necessary to make a depolarization of the environment where it is located.

A phantom remains for a long time after operating of the generator so it is necessary to switch on the device into the opposite polarity mode to deactivate the phantom presence.

The supply of the generator must be positive in the center of the plug; the negative part of supply must be located on the cabinet of the generator.


发生器有两个连接器。其中之一用于从电源或电池提供的工作电压(12V DC)。第二个是从信号发生器或mp3播放器输入的信号,并记录了声音。

Akimov发生器开始接收大约1 V范围内开始的信号。提供给扭力发生器电路的声音信号放大到电源电压,然后传递到辐射源。散热器由锥形冷凝器制成,该锥形冷凝器使用螺旋缠绕的铜导体制成。这种结构允许线圈的磁场垂直于位于辐射器前面的磁体的磁场转动。







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