Healing Crystals: A Guide To The 45 Essential Gemstones

Since the beginning of time people have been turning to crystals to get their healing fix. These are the treasures of Mother Earth, glittering gems, stones and rock crystals born from elemental energy. In one shimmer, they can capture the sun, moon, salt seas, soil and mountains and they can transmute all that healing power […]

Crystals For Beginners: 12 Stones You Must Have

Find yourself drawn to the sparkling shades of crystals? Curious about gemstone healing? We have the lowdown on how to get started in the wondrous world of crystal magic.   Discover the power of crystals Alchemy is alive and well when it comes to stone magic. For all those who have wondered all about the […]

Orgone Energy: Everything You Must Know

The Creator of Orgone Imagine if all living things held an energetic life force, from the birds that swoop above your head to the grass beneath your feet. Imagine if that life force could be found in every single cell both in and out the body and that this life force could be harnessed and […]

How to build an orgone blanket怎么制作奥根坐垫

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