大脑同步器/调谐器治疗失眠Bob Beck brain tuner Cure insomnia


BobBeck Brain Tuner Patients use大脑调谐器

严重失眠患者第一次使用Brain tuner,治疗时间30分钟,模式0.5hz调制,使用后有发现患者出现打哈欠,有睡觉倾向,当时晚上9点不到。

BOB BECK Brain tuner,my designed

My designed ukaco machine,Quantum agricultural equipment

Rife device test carrier frequency 3.125mhz

this rife device use carrier 3.125mhz,audio frequency 12khz-70khz.the plasma tube 50mm×600mm,10torr,neon inside.     

Bedini Rife machine/RPX circuit in the book&DVD for sale

This double sided circuit board is designed base on bedini RPX circuit in the book&DVD.the PCB price is 40$ or 40€the the shipping price is 25$ or 25€(Shipping method DHL or UPS). Payment with Paypal:€40or$40 one piece pcb  (out of  stock) Order RPX V2.0:https://www.zyneng.com/?p=2252 shipping method:DHL 4 to 5 days arrived €25or$25 contact me :42451193@qq.com 国内shop393708976.taobao.com/


原文地址:http://www.skidmore.edu/academics/music/aholland/PlasmaTwo.htm 研究: 等离子波对选定微生物产生的影响 氦气装入一个装有角度电极的玻璃球 (就像热阴极二极管) ,使用音频方波调制放大后(载波27Mhz)激励玻璃球到等离子态。此项工作是尝试独立复制和印证1930年代 Royal Raymond Rife的一些工作。 (见e: http://www.rife.org/),“通用显微镜” 的伟大发明家,他开发了在微生物内部建立驻波的等离子设备。我的研究聚焦在简单无害的微生物方面,包括钟形虫, 赭纤虫 ,草履虫。此项工作的挑战是找到混合频率,音频和射频频率,它们将在生物的内部建立驻波,使生物失去正常的生物活性。 此项研究的一个最终目标是不适用危险药物杀死去除人体内的病原体。举个例子,疟疾,如果研究成功可以被永久治愈而不使用任何药物. 疟疾在许多国家仍然威胁着很多人的健康和生命. This series of microphotographs and video was shot in the Skidmore College Imaging Center (SMIC) The images were taken using an Olympus BX60 trinocular microscope with an Olympus DP70 digital camera attached to a computer. This microscope has two different light sources: tungsten (white light) […]

The electrode is connected to the human body

power input 24v,when The electrode is connected to the human body,the input current increase 0.1A。  

Bedini Rife machine/RPX combining amplifier

此次测试的是放大电路,rpx 的基础频率是1.544mhz,扫频模式(50khz-150khz,4vpp,Square wave),放大电路运行正常,除了放大电路的一个电容发热,如果换成银云母电容后将运行更好。波形图中绿色是放大电路输出波形,黄色是芯片TC4426的输出波形。放大电路的电源使用的是12v和24v两种用来测试的。 the test is running rpx combining amp。fundamental frequency is 1.544mhz,sweeping mode(50khz-150khz,4vpp,Square wave),all runs perfectly,except a cap of the amp is very hot and not stable。in the wave picture RED is amp output wave,yellow is TC4426 output wave。input current is 0.2A when the rpx turn on an then down to 0.1a。the power source of […]

bedini 2A12 teslacharger pcb and kit for sale

This double sided circuit board is designed base on bedini 2A12 teslacharger circuit. Payment with Paypal:€125 or $125 one kit(not include box and alligator,AC/DC Switching adapter) shipping method:UPS 4 to 5 days arrived €35or$35 contact me :42451193@qq.com   正常充电 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjcwOTc3MzU1Mg==.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0#paction 14.8V变灯浮充 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjcwOTc3MDgyNA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.userfeed.5!3~5~5~5!3~5~A  

Crack bedini’s 2A12v charger 破解bedini的2A12V充电器

burn it on the fire 

bedini-cole windows motor circuit pcb for sale(bipolar switch)

pcb is designed base on bedini and rick version of bipolar switch circuits。you can use two Hall or trigger coil for widow motor,also can use one Hall or one trigger coil。i will give you a detail instruction after payment。 Payment with Paypal,€40or$40 one piece pcb shipping method:DHL 4 to 5 days arrived €25or$25 contact me […]

bedini SG和窗口电机秘密资料10

bedini SG和窗口电机秘密资料09

制作胶体银make Colloidal Silver

all that is necessary is to apply 27 volts DC to two electrodes made from 99.99% pure silver, placed in distilled water for about ten minutes. 制作胶体银只需要三节9伏电池、鳄鱼夹、99.99%的纯银和蒸馏水。三节电池串联组成27V直流电源,把两个银片放在整流水中,然后用鳄鱼夹接到电池正负极两端10分钟即可。制作完后,银表面会有黑褐色物质,使用干净的布或者医用棉花即可擦拭干净。  在1秒钟内通过1安培电流,在阴极上析出的物质重量叫物质的电化当量. 银的 电化当量是:4.025 g/Ah(克/安培小时) 如果电流=1mA,设电流效率=0.9 则:每小时可以生成一价银离子约38mg。 如果要300mL水中有10ppm银离子(3mg银),电解时间大约是45分钟。

Bedini SG Bicycle Wheel Kit for sale

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjUzMzEzNzk4MA==.html What’s included… High quality laser cut adjustable plastic frame that comes partially assembled.  600mm diameter 10mm thick plastic wheel with bearings. This allows the entire shaft to rotate for the purpose of connecting a fan, switches, etc… A 8transistor circurt board  is used  for you build 8 power windings and 1 trigger winding circrt.  Batteries coil and […]

Bob Beck pulse Blood Electrification Unit for sale鲍勃贝克电磁脉冲血液电气化单元

The kit include all the things except the battery,because the kit dont have the box,so the price is very low,only 25$ or 25€,the shipping price is 25$ or 25€。out of stock contract me:42451193@qq.com   Buy more than 20 pieces at a time, support custom circuit size and shape, etc.    

bedini SG 8 Transistor board for sale贝迪尼SG8三极管电路板出售

  This double sided circuit board is designed for up to 8 Bedini SG circuits.the PCB price is 40$ or 40€,The electronics price is 100$, Payment with Paypal:€40 or $40 one piece pcb,€100or$100 for The electronics shipping method:UPS 4 to 5 days arrived €35 or $35 contact me :42451193@qq.com The PCB includes the following: 1 […]


我的设备治疗方法: 治疗方法,把电极戴在腕部动脉或者腿部动脉并与动脉对齐,通电后,血管会有麻、跳感觉,旋转那个旋钮可以调节麻跳感大小。每天三次,每次20分钟。或者每天两次,每次10分钟通电后,间隔20分钟再做一次,再间隔20分钟做一次。电极用湿巾或者棉布缠绕并固定牢,可用针线缝紧。使用前电极浸泡在盐水中一会,把多余水分挤出,这样做的目的是为了增大电极与皮肤的接触面积。直接用金属电极接触皮肤进行治疗会损伤皮肤。 需要设备联系我:42451193@qq.com。 免费试用三个月,无效只需把东西退还给我,不花一分钱。如效果不错请告诉身边的患者,同时支持我的工作。 如果你是电子爱好者或者喜欢这款设备,可以通过购买自行实验对各种疾病的治疗效果。购买地址:https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=545049742935 国外科学家关于这种治疗方法的演讲视频。 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/sYZZW_WdwYE/?resourceId=40939144_06_02_99

tesla switch pcb for sale特斯拉开关电路板出售

Base on bedini tesla switch circuit (Energy from the vacuum series, DVD 38) ,.because in the video bedini’s pcb is not same with the circuit,so i design two switch for you test two mode.one is the same with pcb of the video,other is  the same with circuit of video.you can test them by use the switch. […]

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